Ha-Ra The Original

Ha-Ra comes from the name of the pioneer and inventor of fibre based cleaning technology, Hans Raab. From childhood, Hans was a very independent person who wanted to make his own way in the world. Together with his wife Vera, he established a commercial cleaning business.
Very quickly, using commitment and technical know how, Hans Raab developed a very competitive business that provided jobs for more than one hundred people.
He soon became aware of health problems among his employees, which he traced back to the daily use of cleaning agents.
Hans recalled reading an article n the early seventies, about native African tribes and their effective and environmentally friendly cleaning methods, using sand, mud, grass and water.

However, he knew that our society would not accept these cleaning methods and therefore other methods had to be developed.

After years of research, Hans Raab developed a way of producing combinations of cleaning fibres that are effective using water only. During the cleaning process, millions of extremely fine special fibres loosen even the most stubborn dirt and grease, which are then bound together by the fibres and water.

This pioneering invention led to the beginning of a tremendous success story, and these fibres are still so unique that he was able to successfully apply for over 150 different patents, making it difficult for competitors to come up with viable alternatives.

At the 1982 Inventors Fair is Basel (Switzerland); Hans Raab presented a window cleaning using these fibres and was awarded a gold medal for his invention.

In 1984, using the same window cleaning device, Hans Raab set a world record cleaning 638 square meters of window at the Hilton Hotel in Basel in two hours, 54 minutes.

Furthermore he also gained recognition for the development of cleaning systems that reduce sewage and water pollution. His company, Ha-Ra was awarded the "Local Government Environment Prize 1993" at the City and Shire Congress of Lower Saxony on 27th March, following which, his business experienced an unbelievable boom.

Today, Ha-Ra products are sold in over 50 countries world wide and Hans Raab's research continues. 

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